Ron’s Real Estate Rundown: Major Life Update - I Menopaused Big Time

Hey everyone. Sorry I haven’t been super active on the blogs. I promise that I will get back to giving you insider insight on the San Clemente real estate market. The fact of the matter is that I had a major life shift. I menopaused in a massive way and it’s changing how I function in society.

Full back story: a couple Tuesdays ago I didn’t feel one hundred percent. I was driving. I had to stop driving. I pulled my Nissan Xterra over to the shoulder of the interstate. I killed the engine. I felt a hot rush and my leg kind of cramped up. So, I knew. Menopause.

My wife is skeptical. “Jerry, you are not going through menopause.” But I am. I’m sure of it. She says I am sure about a lot of things that are incorrect or not real, but this is different because my body is beautiful and changing. She says I use that argument too much. Whatever. She’s alone in this fight at home because my kids love it. They get to leave school early to take photos of me at the beach. I wear all my turtlenecks and I stare at the sunset. They capture my golden years. It’s beautiful.

My friends could not be more supportive. It’s nice to have good friends when you are going through menopause. They took me out to a couple bars for some drinks. They met some women, but honestly, you would have had to tell me they were women because I’ve lost all sexual instincts. Having the hostess explain all the artwork around the bar was enough of a rush for me.

Menopause is a mixed bag, but I really lucked out. It’s been great. I purchased an oversized Tweety Bird shirt and I joke with my wife how much my feet hurt. She doesn’t joke back but I’m at an age where I’m very secure with myself and my sense of humor. It’s wacky. It’s me.

I haven’t been going to work that much. I can work, but I’m having trouble finding room in my schedule to get a day in at the office. Between pottery auctions in Santa Fe and thinking about trips to Aruba, I’m booked.


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